Always and forever

It’s Friday, well it is here in the UK, so it’s time for Friday Fictioneers. Each Wednesday Rochelle Wisoff-Fields posts a photo prompt and writers from all over the world drop everything ( almost) to write 100 words and post by Friday.  It’s a great way to meet some great people, so why not give it a try?. Here is the photo for this week, courtesy of Rennee Homan Heath.

Genre – Memoir (99 words)

Path to the beach

Blue skies, warm soft air, white sand,

The days of love and longing here

Long ago, crowd my mind and bring a smile.

We are older now and unable

To run up sand dunes, or lie together

As we did back then, lost in wonder.

We walk more slowly across the sand

Still hand in hand, lovers still but not

That hectic, frantic love driven by need and lust,

A gentle touch, a smile, an embrace now speak

Our love, we will remember always those first days

When we made our pledge, one to the other,

Always and forever.

Follow the link to other stories here

34 thoughts on “Always and forever

  1. awww. i hope to be one of them someday. preferably the male.

    this line: “Still hand in hand, lovers still but not”

    consider switching it like this, “still hand in hand, still lovers, but not”

    it keeps the “still ____ still ____” like a short pattern, but it would add stress to what they are and what they aren’t.

    also. the last line. “always and forever.” if you were to take out the “and,” and write it like this: “Always. Forever.” each word would pack more weight if taken separately with the pause between them. just something to consider.


  2. What a moving love poem. I like how you entitled it memoir – I hope that means it’s true: you and your loved one are very lucky to have achieved such wonders. Congratulations on your lasting love and your beautiful depiction of it.


    • Thank you Jen glad you liked it. It is a story with details from my parents’ lives, they were very much “an item” as people say today, but their ending is not a happy one.


  3. I followed an elder couple along the shore one day. They were well into their 80’s, walking slowly, holding hands, not talking, just being. I had my camera and took their photograph from behind. I have it hanging on my wall to remind me. Your piece reminded me of that moment. Beautiful. Thank you.


    • I am glad you liked the story.
      What an impression that couple must have made on you for you to take a photograph, to have it on your wall as a reminder of enduring love is a lovely gesture.
      Thank you for sharing that


      • I’ve worked with elders my whole life. I seem to be one of those magnets for old people. They seek me out to reach items on the grocery store shelves and I find myself assisting folks over curbs and through doorways. My son says I stalk old people. He made that comment when he saw me taking the photo of the elders walking down the shoreline. 🙂


      • That sounds so familiar, especially helping reaching things on higher shelves and assisting with stairs and curbs. As I head towards old age
        I find that I am annoyed with my younger sky for times when I was perhaps sharp and critical of older people and find, as in other areas of life, you have to ” walk the walk before you can talk the talk”


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