Where trees are fallen

Another week, another post for Friday Fictioneers. Follow our leader Rochelle Wisoff-Fields, then join our merry band.  Thanks this week for the photo go to Roger Bultot.


Genre: Fiction

Word Count: 100

Where Trees Are Fallen

“Jarvis,the car! Get me away from these people.”

“They’ve just returned you as their MP, for a second time sir.”

 “And what happened to my previous majority?”

“Yes that’s odd, especially as you were born here sir.”

We don’t mention that, remember?

 “Sorry sir, I thought….”

“You didn’t think, otherwise you wouldn’t have allowed that moron in to rant at me”

 “But you altered the route of the new railway. The land had been in his family for years.”

 “Tough. It’s called progress.”

“Surely you could have listened sir?”

“I did. Now get the bloody car!


 “Sir, about the car…”


Give me a land of boughs in leaf,
A land of trees that stand;
Where trees are fallen there is grief;
I love no leafless land.”
– A.E. Housman

At the moment we have great arguments raging here about the new HS2 train which, if it goes ahead, will cut a swathe through huge chunks of the English countryside. The photo made me think of all the trees that are in danger, the ancient woodlands that will disappear.


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26 thoughts on “Where trees are fallen

  1. The old story of “you can’t fight City Hall.” Hope some sensitivity reigns in determining the pathway of your new railway–your countryside is beautiful and its preservation is worth fighting for.


  2. Bloody politicians!!! We have something like that happening over here, where some government minister has given the okay for coal-seam gas exploration on peoples farms – including fracking. The water tables are being polluted and all this is being allowed in prime agricultural land on what is known as “the food bowl of Australia.” And the worst part? The mines owners are Chinese or Korean. They’ve also bought up whole swathes of pastoral land and have turned it into a quarry.This is our children’s and grandchildren’s heritage!


  3. Sometimes, I don’t like progress, and for the reason you mentioned, what is destroyed by it. I like the poem, and the thought of a leafless land. So sad.


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