An Uncertain Future

Our fabulous group achieved recognition by WordPress – the comment I liked best- We love Friday Fictioneers as much for the blogging bonds it cultivates as for the range and power of the stories it inspires.’

If you missed the post you can read it here. So pleased for Rochelle and for the whole group too, as it is always a good feeling when your work is admired.

Back down to earth now, my story this week follows the lovely photo by Erin Leary.

Copyright Erin Leary

Copyright Erin Leary

Genre: Fiction

Word Count: 100

An Uncertain Future

She waits outside the door, listening to the conversation between the doctor and her husband. Her nails dig into her palm, the discomfort a distraction.

‘Last question, do you know what day it is today Daniel?’

‘Yes, of course I do.’

‘Can you tell me?’

A slight pause, ‘you know it as well as I.’

‘I’m not sure, will you tell me?’


Sadness envelops her; her worst fears confirmed.

Later when they leave he holds her arm. Safe again, he looks at her with shining eyes, and wide smile.

She smiles back at him, immediately recognising her new role.




Dementia is a cruel and unforgiving thing. This story came to mind as soon as I saw Erin’s photo. It is based on a close friend and her husband – a former accountant with a brilliant mathematical mind. She always described his illness like  ‘a mist that slowly descends until the way becomes totally obscured.’




43 thoughts on “An Uncertain Future

  1. This is so touching and sad. I think having her hear through the door made it more so. I have experience of something similar in my family and know the pleading looks that carers receive from the cared-for whenever questions are asked. I’m glad too she was able to smile back when recognising her new role. Moving from lover to carer is hard and some can’t manage the transition.


    • It is dreadful to watch the sad decline of someone you know and respect, knowing there is nothing you can do. What it must be like watching a loved one go through this must be utterly devastating.
      Thank you for reading and for taking the time to comment, it is good to hear from you.



  2. Very powerful story, Dee. My mother, grandmother and aunt all died of Huntington’s. My brother and sister have it now… the fog that descends is one of the hardest parts, for sure! Watching those you love disappear is truly horrific. That skulking outside the door, trying to find your bearings, the realization that you are now in a new role… you nailed the whole, sad situation.


  3. Dear Dee, The whole subject is so sad – but unfortunately happens each day too many people. You really wrote a moving story here. Perhaps some day, a brilliant chemist will figure out a cure got this hideous condition. Thanks for writing about it – Nan 🙂


  4. Deftly portrayed, Dee, and so sad. Taking on a new role would be very difficult but might ultimately be “easier” than unrealistically expecting to stay the same while the other person is changing so. (I hope that makes sense.) A very powerful and love-filled story.



    • Makes perfect sense Janet and thanks for reading. Hopefully something will be done one day – if only to help make diagnosis easier and earlier,



    • Thank you Janet. I think a new role such as this one, would be incredibly difficult, from lover to carer. But as you say, ultimately easier.



  5. Dear Dee,

    When we first found out about my mother in law’s Alzheimer’s was a couple of years ago. The most startling and telling part of the questions the doctor asked was, “What year is it?” Her answer, “1958.”
    Each step leads farther away from the person we all knew. Cruel and hard to watch my husband lose his mom while she breathes.

    Good story. Well told.




    • Dear Rochelle

      It is heartbreaking to watch a loved one deteriorate with Alzheimer’s, made worse by knowing there is nothing we can do.

      With an ageing population there’s more needed to be done to help early diagnosis of this cruel illness.

      Take care



  6. Dear Dee,

    A very good story that softly, clearly highlights a problem that I believe we are all going to experience in some way, shape or form, as we grow older. Well done.




    • Dear Doug

      Thank you.

      With our ageing population, I think we will have many problems to face and how we deal with Alzheimer’s is probably one of the most urgent issues.

      Good to hear from you, as always.

      Take care



  7. Later when they leave he holds her arm. Safe again, he looks at her with shining eyes, and wide smile.

    Oh! Ouch. I can feel his comfort and can almost imagine her combined reactions: glad he recognizes her, happy she can give him comfort and fear of the days to come. So well done.


  8. Dee, Such a good story about dementia. When my mother started showing signs of Alzheimer’s not that many people were familiar with the condition. It wasn’t until years later that I took her and got the diagnosis. We finally had to put her in a good nursing home as we couldn’t handle it at home any longer. She was lost in time and space. She even forgot my dad had died so I told her he was on a trip. In a way I felt that was true. She lived to be almost 93. Well done. —Susan


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