The Lost Chord

One more sleep…

Thanks to Rochelle for shepherding us through another year of Friday Fictioneers. Thanks also to Bjorn for supplying the photo for the prompt this week .

Copyright Bjorn Rudberg

Copyright Bjorn Rudberg

Genre – Fiction

Word Count: 100

The Lost Chord

Hugo loved music, but whenever he sang people ran covering their ears. He played several musical instruments reasonably badly, only the piano had escaped his attentions. The Outdoor Piano Festival would change all that.

For months he cycled over to see Aunt Matilda and hammered out his versions of the classics on her yellowing ivories.

On the day of the Festival, Hugo was eager. Clutching his music he mounted the steps and played his piece to a stunned audience. He heard someone mutter ‘unbelievable’ and ‘he lost a chord.’

Pleasure turned to embarrassment as he dived to retrieve it.


I wrote this a while ago for a prompt I missed; it has been dusted off and suitably amended. May I take this opportunity to wish my fellow Friday Fictioneers and all my friends and followers a Happy Holiday, however you celebrate it, and a healthy and prosperous 2015.

 click Mr Frog for more great stories

30 thoughts on “The Lost Chord

  1. Reminds me of a FFF piece where a person on the dance floor was struck by a chord. As a musician, I find its sometime difficult to keep your chords corralled. A very witty and entertaining tale, Dee.


    • Thank you Sandra. Hope you had a lovely Christmas too.
      I’m trying to get my writing sorted out, would love to get it back on course.
      Best wishes for a very Happy New Year to you and yours.



  2. Dear Dee,
    Poor Hugo. This reminds me of a story I once read about Antonio Stradivari. Apparently he was well known as a horrific musician and yet the world still plays his music. I hope someone gently shows our young hero a more appropriate outlet for his inner musician as well.

    Thanks for the great read.

    All my best,
    Marie Gail


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