A Little Superstition Goes a Long Way

I joined Friday Fictioneers late in 2012 so missed this photo the first time round.  Sorry to hear Rochelle isn’t well, here’s to a speedy recovery.  Thanks for all her hard work and support since taking over  the FF mantle from Madison Woods

Copyright Madison

                                        Copyright Madison Woods

Genre: Historical Fiction

Word Count: 100

A Little Superstition Goes A Long Way

‘What do we do ma?’’  John’s voice trembled.

Recognising her son’s fear, Alice Grey reached for his hand.

‘Same as always John, we stick together. Speak to nobody.’

They walked along the hedgerows, keeping out of sight in case they were followed. The jailer had taken John’s boots and the rough track made his feet bleed. Alice picked leaves, wrapped them in a strip torn from her skirt and bound his feet.

‘How’d you know what to pick ma?’

‘Mother Demdike showed me.  She knew all the remedies.’

‘Was she hanged today?’

No, she died before being sentenced.’

‘Lucky beggar.’


 check out all the other stories here.

By way of explanation – Alice Grey was the only women found not guilty of witchcraft at the trial at Lancaster Prison in 1612.  All the other women from the Pendle area of Lancashire, who were tried, were hanged.

One Yorkshire woman accused of witchcraft was tried, found guilty and hanged at York.


33 thoughts on “A Little Superstition Goes a Long Way

    • Thank you Tracey, the same thing happened in Salem at about the same time I think. Dreadful to think that ignorance and superstition caused the death of so many women, in some parts of the world it still happens.

      Liked by 1 person

  1. Good story, worked well without the post script.
    Which was also interesting.
    I wonder if your title refers to the religious philosophy driving these, and many similar, trials?


    • Yes, I think superstition and ignorance have been the cause of many deaths, and still are in some parts of the world. When you have the church and state against you, what hope for the common folk? Thank you for reading, pleased you liked the story.


  2. There’s a theory that says Christianity was essentially a misogynistic plot to overthrow the matriarchs of Europe. That may be overstating the case, but two million innocents died just the same.


  3. Excellent story, and a reminder of a cruel past (and if some people had the power, presence and futre). Typical how the meaning of ‘superstition’ is turned upside down by those in power.


  4. Dear Dee,

    I love a good historical fiction. Superstition at that time certainly went a long way, from England to the colonies and back again. Well done.

    Thank you for the good wishes.




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