Unfocused – weekly photo challenge

I don’t usually keep photos that turn out to be not what I expected, but rummaging around for something for the weekly photo challenge, which incidentally is a great place to meet new people, I came across these two shots.  The one of the flowers is a bit blurry round the edges and I’m not sure whether is counts as unfocused, the other is a view of Cairo from the Citadel and is certainly not the view I thought I was capturing.  Anyway, see what you think……

I’ve waited two years for this………..

I love peonies.

I ordered a Peony Tree from a very reputable grower and planted it with great care almost two years ago. I watched as it grew and produced lots of lovely green leaves that danced in the summer breeze and withstood Autumn gales; waiting for the beautiful pink blooms to appear.

I waited and waited. I asked a professional gardener friend what I was doing wrong, “Don’t worry” he said, ” be patient and the flowers will come”.

I waited a little longer and finally, last week I looked out of the window and could see something pink where days before there had only been green and here it is, my first peony……..

Aaah… just couldn’t resist

If you have been following the WordPress Weekly Photo Challenge, you will have seen people from all over the world posting some great photographs on each of the topics.

I had a hectic week last week; work well and truly got in the way of everything else – we had audits, reviews, meetings, blah blah .. anyway the upshot was that I missed the “Flower” challenge.  Then the other day, I saw these beautiful, amazing photographs, from a team in Scotland called Fusion Baby Photography,  they have to be amongst the most gorgeous “flowers” I have ever seen.