Green – Travel Theme

I love following Ailsa’s travels and viewing her wonderful photographs and this week her theme is “Green”.  (Read more here )

My selection is from close to home – my garden. It will never feature in Home and Garden;  it is a tennis court, soccer pitch, fairyland, petanque pitch, campsite and, if I get the chance, a relaxing spot to unwind with a glass of wine or a cup of coffee and a favourite book!

I just love the different shades of green that you can see, depending on the weather and time of day. These were mostly taken in late autumn last year, but the little snowdrops braved the frost and snow of a couple of weeks ago. Hope you like them 🙂

I’ve waited two years for this………..

I love peonies.

I ordered a Peony Tree from a very reputable grower and planted it with great care almost two years ago. I watched as it grew and produced lots of lovely green leaves that danced in the summer breeze and withstood Autumn gales; waiting for the beautiful pink blooms to appear.

I waited and waited. I asked a professional gardener friend what I was doing wrong, “Don’t worry” he said, ” be patient and the flowers will come”.

I waited a little longer and finally, last week I looked out of the window and could see something pink where days before there had only been green and here it is, my first peony……..