
There has been quite a lot happening in my life just recently and the urge to write just got up and walked out. I had to have the lenses in my eyes replaced – not as horrific as it sounds I assure you – but a worry nevertheless. My work has also taken up too much of my time and I found I didn’t want to write – anything.  I have missed Friday Fictioneers very much indeed; missed the contact with people who had become very supportive friends; missed the exchange with people who are kind enough and interested enough to follow my blog, such as it is. I did try to post something for the prompt last week, then deleted it as it was not much good.  I am back to try again.

Forgive the out-pouring, but it matters to me that you know why I have been AWOL.


Copyright - Sandra Cook

Copyright – Sandra Cook

 Genre: Fiction

Word Count: 100


 Beth found the bones at 6pm.

They lay in a shallow space between the overhanging rock face and the old irrigation channel she was working in; she had been clearing stones and old debris from it for the past two weeks.

Rob came over when she called and casually inspected her find.

‘Looks small, a child perhaps?’

‘No!’ Beth shuddered at the thought.

‘Children worked in places like this; the find is not unusual.’

As he gently moved the bones to one side, a soft sigh whispered past them and floated up on the cool evening air.


At last


Read other stories here


29 thoughts on “Free

  1. Dear Dee,

    It’s really good to see you back. I have missed you. Praying along with Janet for great outcome with your eyes.
    I enjoyed the subtleties in your story. With a soft sigh you set the child free from his prison. Nice job and, again, welcome back.




    • Dear Rochelle

      Thank you for your kind words.

      It is good to be back.

      I have missed FF and the interesting people I’ve met along the way. Such a great group of writers who all do such an excellent job, especially you. Apart from your writing, your undying enthusiasm and support is amazing in this busy world.

      Take care



  2. Dear Dee,

    Did you have them replace your lenses with rose colored ones? I am glad you are back.

    Your story was simple and moving and well written. A great many images moved through my imagination as you slowly revealed the scene and then arrived at you last lines at just the right pace.

    Well done.




    • Dear Doug

      Now why didn’t I think of that ??

      It’s good to be back and thanks so much for your kind words.

      I’m pleased you liked the story. I wrote as I saw the scene playing out in my head, then, as is the case for all of us, I had to really work at reducing it to 100 words and still make it work. I worried I had left it a bit bland.

      Thanks as always for reading

      Take care



  3. I’ve always loved “ghost” stories where the spirit is laid to rest — there’s a great relief there. As for your preamble, I know I was feeling that lack of desire to write — and that’s so frustrating — like not wanting to eat or drink or breathe! I’m glad to see you here again, and hope we both find that desire again. Good luck with your operations.


    • I hope we both do too.

      It feels like a loss of direction and it is very frustrating trying to get back on course again. We will do it!

      The last operation was done this morning and the surgeon was very happy with results. I’ll know more when the bandages come off my left eye later today.
      Thank you for your good wishes, looking forward to meeting up again later in the week


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