Past Forgetting

4 August 2017

Copyright Dale Rogerson

Genre: Memoir

Word Count: 100


It’s easy to forget.

My mother would say this in her ‘martyr’ voice, on her birthday, when there was nothing from my father.

The flowers he sent on the birthday after their divorce, were sent back to him chopped up in small pieces. He got the message

The years that followed were not easy. While my mother fumed, he apologised repeatedly to my sister and I.  Although sad, we were adult enough to accept parents are only human, and deserve happiness too.

At his funeral, I held her whilst she sobbed, ‘I’ve lost him now.’

It’s not easy to forget.


Thank as always to Rochelle our ‘Fairy Blogmother’ for still finding time to sprinkle her fairy dust and to all other F’Fers you are a great group of writers.

45 thoughts on “Past Forgetting

  1. Dear Dee,

    We humans are funny, aren’t we? We long for what we claim we no longer want. Wonderful story, full of emotion. And, I might add, it’s so good to see you back among us. 😀


    Rochelle FBM 😉


    • Dear Rochelle

      Yes we are. Love is such a powerful emotion. Pleased you liked this and delighted to be back, really missed being part of this lovely group of people.

      Take care

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Welcome back Dee….
    How often does this happen? You spend all your time fuming over what was and not enough on just accepting and moving forward lovingly.


    • Thank you Dale, its good to be back. It seemed to me at the time that it was so unnecessary, they never really stopped loving each other, but couldn’t communicate, too emotional.


  3. I anticipate this will be what my mom will say when my dad finally goes. They’ve been split for nearly 30, but they are still in good conversation even to this day. Well done!


    • Thanks you Miles. It was a strange time, they didn’t speak after the divorce, except through my sister and I. We relayed what they wanted each other to know.


  4. DEE!!! I saw you in the line-up and I thought, great! A story and the presence of a dear lady this week.

    Yes, that story is SO familiar to all of us. I actually felt sorry for the guy because it seems he was doing everything he could to make amends. Was it his fault or was he just weak about it? We don’t know. When something leaves us, it’s GONE, that’s the real message of the story.

    Nice work this week and I hope to see you more often. 🙂


    • Good to hear from you as always, Kent. The saddest thing was, although my father left, he hoped one day to come back and never wanted to divorce. My mother took the view that he had left her so why not divorce, although I know she loved him till the day she died. Life throws some curve balls doesn’t it … 😊


  5. You have written such a poignant real life story that slices and cuts across at our very inner cores.
    Regret and guilt is written all over your excellent story. I would love to read more and more of you and more often at that, Dee.


  6. You turned that around very neatly indeed. I suppose the two of them knew which buttons to press to wind each other up, and found they just couldn’t live together. Or was it an affair that he subsequently decided was wrong after all? Or could it have been a clash between what mum believed psychologically, so that she felt unable to forgive something? The fact that the piece stimulates all these questions means you’ve written a fine piece of flash fiction.
    At all events, how sad for them both, as they plainly loved each other. You convey that mutual love very well.


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