The Wondrous Heffelumpion

It’s that time again!

 It’s that time of week when we sharpen our wits

And try to work out a story that fits,

Just 100 words, not one more or one less

That’s what’s  required from our good leader-ess.

 She watches o’er our writing with candour and wit

Never tires of praising and commenting one bit,

Rochelle reads them all as Chief Fictioneer

For which we are grateful, let’s give her a cheer

Copyright EL Appleby

Copyright EL Appleby

The Wondrous Heffelumpion

Genre: Memoir

Word Count: 100

My grandmother knitted the wondrous Heffelumpion when I had the mumps. It was love at first sight. He went to school, university and kept me company in my first tiny flat. After much washing he went saggy, but I still loved him.

If my husband thought me odd for keeping H on my bedside table, he kept his thoughts to himself. Our children loved him, each in turn; when they had done with him I took him back.

My little granddaughter has now claimed him, taking him everywhere tucked under her arm. She calls him Mr Snuffles.

She loves him.

Some of her other smaller friends: Bagpuss & Ted

Small friends

57 thoughts on “The Wondrous Heffelumpion

    • Oh yes, they don’t make ’em like that any more
      He has been stitched a few times and had his stuffing redone, but he has been well loved
      Thanks for reading


  1. We all need a heffelumpion in our life! Your wonderful story is a great reminder. Children (of course) but Adults too, something to cuddle and have as your special ‘always there’ friend! I really enjoyed your piece. 🙂


    • Glad you liked it.
      Good old Bagpuss, loved the stories and TV programmes they were just lovely.
      Thank you for reading, will be round to read yours later


    • Yes, he has been stitched up a few times and had to have a bit of surgery, but he still looks the same.
      Thanks for reading, will catch up with yours later


  2. A beautiful story indeed Dee. I remeber my girls having an enormous grey teddy that stood about 3′ high, I had pangs of guilt the day I had to say goodbye to him, when the girls were much older and he was leaking stuffing… funny how we can get so attached too inanimate objects.


  3. HI Dee
    I’m afraid I’m too fond of the cuddly in the picture to let him out of my sight – my kids will have to make do with inferior cuddlies. How cruel am I?
    wonderful, touching memoir, though 😀


  4. You called it a Heffalump too! Honestly, I didn’t read yours (or indeed any) until this afternoon and was amazed. I asked my husband what a Heffalump was whilst we were driving and he was none the wiser either. Loved your story.


    • The photo has produced some great stories, yours being one. I loved the Winnie the Pooh stories when I was young and look forward to reading them to my grandaughters when they are old enough to understand and appreciate them.
      Heffalumps are mentioned in the stories but never actually appear, which used to annoy me evidently – think this is why grandma knitted one for me, but he was always Heffelumpion.
      Thanks for reading mine, glad you liked it


    • My grandmother tried to teach me to crochet, I could never get the hang of it. Couldn’t even do a circle which was supposed to be easy!
      Thank you for reading, glad you liked it


    • Thank you Russell.
      Seems to have been quite a few poems this week; I don’t usually manage to do much poetry but I think the prompt was so joyful, the intro seemed to write itself!
      I’m pleased that you enjoyed both


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